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Better Homes and Gardens - home decorating and remodeling ideas, gardening, recipes, and more

From Better Homes and Gardens, ideas and improvement projects for your home and garden plus recipes and entertaining ideas.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cut Energy Costs with A Ductless Air-Conditioner

High energy bills put a strain on monthly budget. So, a homeowner is ardent to grab every opportunity to save energy bill. We are going to discuss in this article four steps that will be helpful in saving on your air-conditioning energy use. Use Ductless Air-conditioning System: Unlike standard air conditioning systems, a ductless air conditioning system cools only pre-selected areas. It is designed to cool just a single room or a limited area. This practice of selective cooling lets you save on your energy use. Refrain from Modifying Your Existing HVAC System: Is your air conditioning system not performing as per your expectations? Are you considering replacing your air conditioner with a new one to increase its cooling power? If yes, this may not be a good idea. Buying a new air-conditioner...

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