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Monday, March 12, 2012

Keep your House Cosy with Blackout Drapes and Curtains

Choosing curtains is among one of the most crucial things involved in interior decorating and designing. It helps in accentuating the house and adding to its beauty. On the basis of the hose owner’s sense of style and taste, the interior designer must find the correct kind of drapes and curtains.

Nowadays most people like to go for blackout drapes and curtains when compared to the usual blinds. This is particularly correct in houses which are fully air conditioned as these drapes not only help in blocking out the sunlight but also aid in insulation, allowing one to save a lot from the problem of electricity bills. Besides that, one also ends up conserving a lot of energy as well as controlling the emission of greenhouse gases.

What makes blackout drapes and curtains so different from regular ones is that they are made from multiple layered and heavily woven fabrics. This prevents the entry of sunlight in addition to insulating one’s interiors. The material is so thick that some manufacturers even assert that their creation has 99% obstruction. Also, the durability of these drapes is very much when compared to curtains made of cotton or lace fabrics.

Everyone wants to have a good night’s sleep, especially after a long hard day at work. Blackout drapes and curtains are great at it as their ability to insulate the room is very helpful in keeping the air cool and making the room very comfortable and cosy. This is the reason why one saves energy and contributes to the welfare of the environment.

Curtains are not the only necessity. If one wants to ensure that one’s guests see one’s house nothing less than perfect, than one has to pay attention to other things as well. Every nook and corner has to be spic and span. However, one may face some problem with keeping the sofa clean as they are great at hiding away dust. So, chair slip covers are very popular nowadays as they help in maintaining the house perfectly.

Chair slip covers are fabrics that are great at covering furniture on top of making them look classy. One can choose from an assortment of covers, ranging from diverse sizes, colours styles as well as designs from denim, ottomans and so on. There are sectional covers available for arm rests of recliners too. Yet another kind of cover is the chaise slipcover. It is intended for patios and furniture outside one’s home.


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